Highlights of 2018 New Year's Day activities organized by ZHengyuan group

Publishdate:2018-01-12 Views:397


发表时间:2018-1-12 15:44:09阅读次数:4233

Tug of war

4 * 100 relay race

3000 meter long run

The table tennis match

Badminton competition

Chess match

Egg laying competition

Award Winners

Third place in individual competition

Third place in personal skill competition

Third place in group competition


发表时间:2018-1-12 15:44:09阅读次数:4233

Tug of war

4 * 100 relay race

3000 meter long run

The table tennis match

Badminton competition

Chess match

Egg laying competition

Award Winners

Third place in individual competition

Third place in personal skill competition

Third place in group competition